“It’s sad that we’re now relying on law enforcement officers to deal with youth and even parent behavior problems. This training goes a long way toward giving teachers the skills they need to de-escalate problematic behaviors in youth and adults and keep most, if not all, youth in the classroom where how to deal with problems and socialization need to be modeled and learned.” — Gwen Brewster, Behavioral Interventionist, South Sioux City, Nebraska High School
“Teachers don’t receive this training in college or anywhere else I’m aware of. Having de-escalation training designed hand-in-hand with educators is a great help and makes it easier to accept and use. Sadly, even in elementary school we see angry and frustrated youth and parents who lash out at others or at us. This training will help up de-escalate youth so that we don’t have to send them into the juvenile justice system and parents so we don’t have to call the police.” — LuAnn Richardson, Elementary School Principal, South Sioux City, Nebraska
“The nature of our students and parents has changed over the years and they’re more likely to be confrontational than ever before. We might not be able to change their nature but we can begin to influence their behavior with this training. This training helps teachers help students and parents at times they are most vulnerable and in need of assistance.” — Jean Ernesti, Principal, St. Michael’s School, South Sioux City, Nebraska
“I wish we didn’t need to de-escalate children, youth or adults but the fact is that we do and these skills are effective in keeping everyone safer in the school environment.” — Sandy Williams, St. Michael’s School, South Sioux City, Nebraska
“This training is long overdue as we’re experiencing more and more problems and confrontational behavior from students and parents in schools. Teachers don’t get this training in college or before they enter the classroom but they should.” — Dan Shoop, South Sioux City, Nebraska High School
“We need to do everything we can to improve the safety of our communities, especially for our youth. Teaching administrators, counselors and teachers how to de-escalate angry or aggressive youth is smarter, safer and less expensive than pushing them into the juvenile justice system. This training should be mandatory for everyone in the school system.” — Diane Lutt, Director, Dakota County Interagency Team
“We need to work smarter, not harder, at helping troubled youth and their families. Communication is the key but it’s difficult to communicate with an angry youth or their parent. These de-escalation skills help do just that.” — Gary Ham, Jackson, Nebraska Public School
“There are always times teachers have to intervene with upset youth and the faster we can calm them the more effective we are in working with them. Parents can also be confrontational. This training has been very useful but I wish I didn’t have to use it.” — Marilyn Chamberlain, South Sioux City, Nebraska Junior High School