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DE-ESCALATE Law Enforcement Research
DE-ESCALATE Law Enforcement Research
A Comparison Between the One-hour and Twelve-hour MA Basic Recruit Officer Course Mental Health Training on Officer’s De-Escalation Skills, Self-Efficacy, and Stigmatizing Attitude
Young, J. (2014). Dissertation, MA School of Professional Psychology.
A Practical Overview of De-Escalation Skills in Law Enforcement: Helping Individuals in Crisis While Reducing Police Liability and Injury
Oliva, J., Morgan, R. & Compton, M. (2010). Journal of Police Crisis Negotiations, 10.
An Examination of Florida Policies on Force Continuums
Hough, R. and Tatum, K. (2012). Policing: An International Journal of
Police Strategies & Management 35(1).
An Integrated Approach to De-escalation and Minimizing Use of Force
(2012) Police Executive Research Forum.
De-Escalation in Police-Citizen Encounters- A Mixed Methods Study of a Misunderstood Policing Strategy
Todak, N. (2017). Dissertation, Arizona State University.
Experimental Evaluation of DEFUSE Online De-escalation Training for Law Enforcement Intervening in Mental Health Crises
Hacker, R. (2017) Dissertation, Arizona State University.
Exploring Police Use of Force Decision-Making Processes and Impairments Using a Naturalistic Decision-Making Approach
Hine, K., Porter, L., Westera, N. et. al. (2018). Criminal Justice and Behavior.
Improving Police Encounters with Juveniles
Herz, Denise, C. (2001) Justice Research and Policy 3(2).
Improving Police Officer and Justice Personnel Attitudes and De-escalation Skills – A Pilot Study of Policing the Teen Brain
Aalsma, M., Schwartz, K. and Tu, W. (2019). Journal of Offender Rehabilition.
Law Enforcement, Communication Training & Verbal Judo
Keathly, L. (2012). Master’s Thesis, Univ. of Tennessee.
Learning to De-escalate – Evaluating the Behavioral Impact of Verbal Judo on Police
Giacomantonio, C., Goodwin, S. & Carmichael, G. (2019). Police Practice and Research.
Limiting Police Use of Force. Promising Community-Centered Strategies
PolicyLink (October, 2014).
National Consensus Policy on Use of Force
Collaborative effort among 11 law enforcement leadership and labor organizations in the USA (2017).
Police Use of Less Lethal Force: Does Administrative Policy Matter?
Terrill, W. & Paoline, E. (2016). Justice Quarterly 34(2).
Protecting the Public and Officers – Deescalation is Just One Component
Cunningham, T. (2018). Municipal Advocate 28(3).
Reducing Police Use of Force – Case Studies and Prospects
Prenzler, T., Porter, L. and Alpert, G. (2013) Aggression and Violent Behavior.
Scumbags – An Ethnography of the Interactions Between Street-Based Youth and Police Officers
Ilan, J. (2016). Policing and Society: An International Journal of Research
and Policy
The Peaceable Police Woman – The Practice of Deescalation
Mangold, A. (2003). Research Conference, Lund Univ., Sweden.
The President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing
Final Report of the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing. (2015). Washington, DC: Office of Community Oriented Policing Services
Use of Force Policies – Dispelling the Myths
Lexipol (2017).